Currently Accepting Applications

Admissions information
We accept 2 year old to statutory school age children. We therefore welcome all prospective families to book a visit to the Preschool. You can also call us to discuss any details before hand with Claire Lawrence, Preschool Supervisor who can discuss the day to day operation, settling in requirements and any other questions you may have.
If you would like to come and see the Preschool please do contact us r via:
07577 777 323 during Opening Hours
We accept the 2 year old Government Funding as well as the 3&4 year old's 30 Hour Government Funding. If you wish to access this funding, please click on the following link for more information regarding eligibility and to apply for you Funding code
Upon receipt of your application, we will contact you to confirm your child’s start date, to advise of the days which are available for your child to attend and to discuss settling in process.
Fees Structure
rull Saplings Preschool operates a service which is fair and competitively priced. We aim to offer a high quality service, in a safe and stimulating environment where the needs of individual children are met. T
When you register at Trull Saplings Preschool, a non-refundable registration fee of £37.50 is required. This will secure your place and cover the cost of the child setup and settling in sessions.
We do not charge a deposit, all charges for the term are sent out at the beginning of each half term via electronic invoice and payment will be required within 2 weeks of issue.
Trull Saplings Preschool operates for 38 weeks of the year, Term Time only
Our hourly fees are:
£7.20 for 2 year old children claiming over and above the Government funding entitlement allocated hours
£6.10 for 3+ year old children claiming over and above the Government funding entitlement allocated hours
We do not charge any extra fees or consumables beyond the additional hourly rate.
Fees are payable by Bank Transfer and Childcare Vouchers. We accept the following Care4, Edenred, FairCare, Computershare, Fideliti and KiddiVouchers. Payment by other methods (cash/cheque) are welcome but will incur a processing charge of £2.50. The aforementioned £2.50 processing charge will be added to all accounts who have opted out of paying via Bank Transfer or Childcare vouchers (including Free Entitlement-only places).
The Preschool are in receipt of Early Years Entitlement Funding for eligible two, three and four year olds. Please refer to our Early Years Entitlement Funding Policy.
All sessions must be paid for on time.